Bárbara Vitorino Gonçalves, PhD in Molecular Biology from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in the laboratory of Molecular Microbiology of Pathogenic Bacteria. I am currently a researcher at the University...
Vinicius Batista received the Master in Mecahnical Engineering from University of Aveiro. Currently, he is research fellow in the DigiAqua project.
Guilherme Lopes received the Master in Physics Engineering from University of Aveiro. Currently, he is research fellow in the DigiAqua project.
Carlos Marques is the coordinator of DigiAqua project and he is Principal Researcher of Physic Department at the University of Aveiro. He received the Ph.D. degree in Physics Engineering...
Florinda Mendes da Costa is an Associate Professor with Habilitation of Physic Department at the University of Aveiro. She finished the PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at the...
Sónia O. Pereira is a Junior Investigator at DigiAqua project and integrated member at i3N – Institute for Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication & Department of Physics at University of...
Currently I’m enrolled in the Doctoral Programme in Physics Engineering at the University of Aveiro, in which I started working in the field of optical sensors for application in...
Petia Georgieva is Associate Professor with Habilitation of Machine Learning in the Department of Electronics Telecommunications and Informatics (DETI) at University of Aveiro, Portugal, senior researcher in the Institute...
Margarida Facão is Assistant professor of Physic Department at the University of Aveiro. Her main research interest is modelling in nonlinear optics, optical communications, quantum cryptography.
She received the Ph.D. degree in 2017. She is currently Researcher with the Nanophotonics and Optoeletronics Group of i3N, Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, in collaboration with the...