his paper presents the development of an optical fiber sensor system for multiparametric assessment of temperature and turbidity in liquid samples. The sensors are based on the combination between fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), intensity variation and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors. In this case, the intensity variation sensors are capable of detecting turbidity with a resolution of about 0.5 NTU in a limited range between 0.02 NTU and 100 NTU. As the turbidity increases, a saturation trend in the sensor is observed. In contrast, the SPR-based sensor is capable of detecting refractive index (RI) variation. However, RI measurements in the turbidity calibrated samples indicate a significant variation on the RI only when the turbidity is higher than 100 NTU. Thus, the SPR-based sensor is used as a complementary approach for the dynamic range increase of the turbidity assessment, where a linearity and sensitivity of 98.6% and 313.5 nm/RIU, respectively, are obtained. Finally, the FBG sensor is used in the temperature assessment, an assessment which is not only used for water quality assessment, but also in temperature cross-sensitivity mitigation of the SPR sensor. Furthermore, this approach also leads to the possibility of indirect assessment of turbidity through the differences in the heat transfer rates due to the turbidity increase.